FTL, LTL & Groupage

FTL, LTL & Groupage

Whether you need to transport a full trailer, partial load or a single pallet, Forwarding Plus will arrange it for you! Every day, we handle transports to and from Central Europe. Whether you need an FTL to the Czech Republic or a single pallet to Slovakia, we'll take care of it at the most competitive rates!

FTL, LTL, and groupage transport, easily and quickly arranged

We have a wide range of transport options and are specialised in arranging FTL, LTL and groupage transport. Whether you need a full trailer or just want to ship a few pallets, we have a solution for you.

FTL stands for Full Trailer Load and is a transport method in which a truck loads a full trailer with a single shipment from one shipper to one consignee. This means that the entire truck capacity is used to transport the goods of one shipper. FTL transport is usually used when the shipment is large enough to fill the entire loading space of a trailer, for example, with 32 pallets or large machines. FTL transport can usually be delivered faster than LTL transport because there is no need to make stops to pick up other shipments.

LTL stands for "Less Than Truckload," which means that it involves a freight that is smaller than the full capacity of a truck. With LTL transport, multiple shipments from different customers are combined and transported together. This makes the transportation more efficient and cost-effective than using an entire truck for a smaller shipment. LTL transport is therefore particularly suitable for companies that need to ship smaller loads and want to save costs.

Groupage transport is also a form of partial load, but the difference with LTL is that groupage, the shipment is combined with shipments from different customers to the same destination. This involves smaller quantities of goods that are not enough for a full truckload. This makes transportation more cost-effective and efficient.

A quote within an hour

After you have calculated the price for your FTL, LTL or groupage using the Transculator, you can easily request a quote. We assure you that you will receive a quote from us within the hour.

Price and speed

Choose between price or speed

With us, you can choose what is most important for your transport: price or speed. In the Transculator, you can easily make this choice yourself.

Your FTL, LTL and Groupe shipments in safe hands

At Forwarding Plus, we offer a wide range of transport services for your goods. Whether you need a full trailer (FTL), a partial load (LTL) or just some smaller shipments (Groupage), we have the solution that suits you. With years of experience in the transport sector and our extensive network of reliable partners, we can transport your goods safely and quickly to any destination. Whether it is transport to the Czech Republic or a transport to the Netherlands, we provide an efficient and affordable solution. Contact us today and discover all the conveniences of Forwarding Plus.

FTL transport

FTL stands for "Full Trailer Load", which means that the entire trailer is used for transportation. This is often the case when, for example, 32 pallets need to be transported, but it may also be necessary when you want to transport a large and heavy machine. In this case, it is desirable that no other goods are in the trailer to prevent any damage.

LTL transport

LTL staat voor "Less than Trailer Load", wat betekent dat de vracht minder is dan de capaciteit van een volledige vrachtwagen. Dit type transport wordt vaak gebruikt wanneer je niet genoeg goederen hebt om een volledige trailer te vullen. LTL transport is echter een goede optie voor klanten die een kleine hoeveelheid goederen vervoeren. Omdat LTL transport wordt gedeeld met andere klanten, is het vaak goedkoper dan FTL transport. Bovendien is LTL transport flexibeler, omdat klanten slechts een deel van een vrachtwagen hoeven te huren. Maar je moet er wel rekening mee houden dat je vaak aan een dag en tijdstip vast zit, omdat er op andere locaties ook goederen worden opgehaald om de trailer te vullen. Onze transportspecialisten vertellen je graag meer hierover en ook wat de best passende oplossing is voor jouw LTL transport.

Groupage transport

We offer not only FTL and LTL transport, but also groupage. With groupage, the driver passes several addresses in the same region before driving to his final destination. This is an economical solution if you want to have one or a few pallets transported. Would you like more information about groupage transport options? Then contact one of our specialists.

Is FTL transport faster than LTL transport?

Yes, generally speaking, FTL is faster than LTL transport. This is because FTL takes up the entire truck and goes directly to the destination, while LTL combines goods from multiple customers and makes stops along the way to different destinations. This can result in longer delivery times for the goods to reach their final destination.

How are transport costs calculated?

Transportation costs are calculated based on a number of factors. For example, it depends on the distance between the loading and unloading point, what exactly you want to transport (FTL or LTL) and whether groupage is possible. We always look for the cheapest and best option for your shipment, to ensure you are not paying too much.

Can you also transport hazardous (ADR) goods?

In principle, we have options for that. Ideally, you should send us an email with all the information. Or call us and we will discuss the possibilities over the phone!

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